Physiology & Psychology of Pranayama
Sa., 08. Okt.
Learn Pranayama and develop natural superpowers! If you are located outside of Berlin, you can participate online via Zoom.

Time & Location
08. Okt. 2022, 14:00 – 16:30 MESZ
Berlin, Am Treptower Park 42, 12435 Berlin, Deutschland
About the Event
In a single day, we breathe between 10,000 and 20,000 liters of air into our lungs; depending on breathing habits, physical condition and movement/activity. That's a huge amount! A liter of air at 20 degrees C weighs about 1.2 grams. Altogether we breathe in and out 12-24 kg per day. That's roughly 10 to 15 times the amount of food we eat. This small calculation already shows how important our breathing is, and how little we actively think about it in our everyday life.
In this workshop, participants learn the basics of yogic pranayama coupled with modern insights into the physiological and psychological effects of the techniques.
Workshop agenda:
🧘 20 min warm-up asanas
🧘 45 min Theory // What is Prana? / What is Pranayama? / Anatomy & Physiology of the Respiratory System / Hyper- and Hypoventilation
🧘 Short break
🧘 45 min deep dive into 4 Pranayama techniques
🧘 30 Min Tummo Pranayama Variation (HypnoBreathwork)
This workshop is suitable for beginners. But even as an advanced yogini/yogi or yoga teacher you will probably learn something new. ;)